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Citizenship in Portugal

Navigating the path to getting citizenship in Portugal can be intricate, but our guide simplifies the process. Covering all essential aspects, from understanding application requirements to obtaining your Portuguese ID and passport, this guide is a vital resource for anyone seeking how to get citizenship in Portugal. Explore the various routes and detailed steps, and begin your journey towards enjoying the benefits of being a part of this vibrant and culturally rich community.


increase in citizenship requests in 2022


foreign-born people acquired Portuguese nationality in 2022


people requested SEF’s evaluation for citizenship in 2022


citizenship requests were processed in 2022


citizenship requests were approved in 2022


citizenship requests were rejected in 2022

5 years

how long you need to live in Portugal before being eligible for citizenship without ancestry or marriage ties


children born in Portugal in 2022 were born to foreign mothers

How to get citizenship in Portugal

The process to getting citizenship in Portugal seems simple enough, but requires the following steps and a waiting period: the first is understanding your status and requirements so make sure you qualify and to know what paperwork to produce. Once you’ve applied for your Portuguese citizenship, you need to wait to get approved, and the amount of time varies for everyone. After getting approved, you can request your Portuguese ID card. Once you have that, you can then apply for a Portuguese passport.

Navigating the steps to getting citizenship in Portugal

Getting citizenship in Portugal comes with a myriad of advantages, from accessing a world-class healthcare system and high-quality education, to enjoying the freedom of movement within the European Union. As a Portuguese citizen, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a diverse and culturally rich community, but you can also work in any of the 27 European countries that are part of the Schengen Area, further expanding your professional and personal horizons.

There are several avenues to getting citizenship in Portugal, each tailored to individual circumstances and backgrounds. Whether through ancestry, long-term residency, marriage, or other specific categories, there's a path designed for you. Venture below to delve into the various routes to citizenship, navigate through the detailed process, and discover the timeline to make Portugal your official homeland. Feel free to contact our in-house citizenship experts if you are ready to talk about your path to citizenship. 

A close-up image showing only the hands of a man as he signs an application form. One hand is gently resting on the form, providing stability, while the other holds a sleek silver pen, poised in the act of signing. The focus is on the precise movement of the pen on the paper.
Map pin graphic

How to get citizenship in Portugal: check your eligibility and pathways

Choose your pathway

Born in Portugal

Children of at least one Portuguese Parent

  • You were born in Portugal.
  • One of your parents has Portuguese citizenship.

Children of Foreigners

A. Under 18 Years Old

  • You were born in Portugal.
  • You are still a minor (under 18 years of age).
  • Neither of your parents have Portuguese citizenship, but one of these applies:
    - One of your parents has been living in Portugal for the past 5 years, with or without a residency title;
    - One of your parents legally resides in Portugal.
  • You have attended at least 1 year of pre-school, basic, secondary, or vocational education in Portugal.
  • If you are a teenager of 16 or 17 years, have not been convicted with a prison sentence of 3 or more years for a crime punishable in Portugal, and/or are not involved in terrorism-related activities.

B. You are over 18 Years Old and have lived in Portugal for the Past 5 Years

  • Your parents are foreigners and resided (legally or not) in Portugal at the time of your birth.
  • You are over 18 years old or have been emancipated according to Portuguese law.
  • You have lived in Portugal in the past 5 years.
  • You are not from a Portuguese-speaking country but you have sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language (obtaining a grade of 50% in an A2 level exam).
  • You have not been convicted with a prison sentence of 3 or more years for a crime punishable in Portugal.
  • You are not involved in terrorism-related activities.


  • You were born in Portugal.
  • You can prove that that you do not have another nationality, and that you can't and won't take your parents' nationality.

Process to apply for Citizenship


Our services for Citizenship

Do you know if you qualify for citizenship for Portugal, and the necessary documents and requirements you need? Our in-house immigration and citizenship lawyers at moviinn can guide you along your citizenship process.

Common Questions about Citizenship in Portugal

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